Reasonable Use Policy

Our goal at ReallyBrief is to offer great services to customers for free and provide clear, simple pricing when you just can’t stop using Really Brief! We believe the services we offer under our free tier are generous and reasonable and hope you do too.

Keep It Under 50k Responses
Under our Free Tier you are allowed to collect a maximum of 50,000 responses to your forms each month. Unused responses do not carry forward to future months.

Use One Account Per Org
You may not create multiple accounts on ReallyBrief for any reason, including in order to circumvent the limitations applicable to our Free Tier. If you are an organization, you agree that your organization will only use one ReallyBrief account and that members of your organization will not share account access credentials.

Stay Within 100MB Monthly, 500MB Total
Subject to our Terms of Use, you may upload to, and store on, the Services digital content in order to create your forms. To remain under the Free Tier, you must not upload more than 100 megabytes (MB) of content in any month or store more than 500 MB of content at any time using the Services.

Watch Your Usage
We will email you when your use of the Services approaches the limitations discussed above and make you aware of our available premium services which are not subject to certain limitations. For example, we email users of our Free Tier when they have received 40,000 responses in a month. When a user on the Free Tier exceeds the limitations discussed above, their forms transition to the “unpublished” state. When forms are in the unpublished state, they can no longer receive responses and cannot be published again until the user’s billing cycle resets at the beginning of the user’s next monthly cycle as described above.

This Reasonable Use Policy (the “Policy”) sets forth the terms and conditions that govern your use of the content, tools, features and functionality offered at no cost to you on, or through, (the “Services”) by ReallyBrief Ventures, LLC, an Illinois limited liability company (“ReallyBrief,” “we,” “us,” or “our”). This Policy is incorporated by reference into our Terms of Use. By using the Services, you agree to be bound to the terms and conditions of this Policy as well as our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

Please enjoy ReallyBrief and feel free contact us at any time at

Last updated: January 17, 2024

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